How The System Work

  • Solar Panel
    The sun shines on the solar panels generating DC electricity.
  • Hybird Inverter/Charger
    DC electricity is converted into AC electricity using On-Grid Inverter
  • AC Loads
    The AC electricity is used to power appliances in your home
  • Utility Grid
    Electricity can be received and feedback to the grid


Grid independence

Ideal for remote locations

No carbon footprint


1. Smart Grid
Together with PT INTI (Persero), SEDAYU built Jeret’s 50 kWp Off-grid Solar Power Plant for the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to provide the much-needed electricity for the people in Halmahera Selatan. Designed, installed and commissioned by PT INTI and PT SEDAYU on-time on-budget using locally-assembled solar modules, Jeret’s Off-grid Solar Power Plant succesfully provides the electricity for more than 200 households and at the same time, reducing the cost of electricity in the area.

2. CSR Projects
In 2016, SEDAYU collaborated with Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan to provide access of electricity for the remote schools and clinic in Daboto, Papua through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The school and clinic previously relied on Diesel Genset with unreliable supply of fuel. After successful installation of the ground-mounted Solar Power System complete with the energy storage (battery), both the school and clinic have more reliable electricity to ensure seamless health and education services for the people of Daboto.


1. Smart Grid
Together with PT INTI (Persero), SEDAYU built Jeret’s 50 kWp Off-grid Solar Power Plant for the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to provide the much-needed electricity for the people in Halmahera Selatan. Designed, installed and commissioned by PT INTI and PT SEDAYU on-time on-budget using locally-assembled solar modules, Jeret’s Off-grid Solar Power Plant succesfully provides the electricity for more than 200 households and at the same time, reducing the cost of electricity in the area.

2. CSR Projects
In 2016, SEDAYU collaborated with Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan to provide access of electricity for the remote schools and clinic in Daboto, Papua through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The school and clinic previously relied on Diesel Genset with unreliable supply of fuel. After successful installation of the ground-mounted Solar Power System complete with the energy storage (battery), both the school and clinic have more reliable electricity to ensure seamless health and education services for the people of Daboto.

No More Darkness

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