Established in 2009, PT Selaras Daya Utama, also known as SEDAYU, succesfully transforms itself from the distributors of world’s leading Renewable Energy products into an ISO 9001:2008 and Indonesia’s leading Renewable Energy Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) company, especially in Solar Power solutions.

As one of the pioneers in Indonesia’s Renewable Energy sector, SEDAYU has developed Solar Power Plants for Indonesia State Electricity company, i.e. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, i.e. ESDM, from Sumatra to Papua.

Supported by world’s leading Renewable Energy companies and experienced Renewable Energy professionals with extensive local knowledge, SEDAYU is dedicated to provide sustainable renewable energy solutions to Indonesia.


To be Indonesia’s leading Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) Company in Renewable Energy.


To provide sustainable and affordable renewable energy solutions suitable for Indonesia by working with various stakeholders, including word’s leading Renewable Energy technology providers, the government and private sectors.



Will I still be connected to the PLN grid ?

Yes, SEDAYU’s Solar for Business projects are grid connected, so the customer will continue to have access to energy from the grid.

What about maintenance ?
  • Unlike other sources of energy, solar systems maintenance is very minimal (e.g. cleaning with water sprinkler).
  • SEDAYU also offers a Operations & Maintenance scheme for your Solar Power System.
Do solar panels reflect glares ?

No, solar panels absorb light energy. In fact, it helps cool down the area beneath such as roof attics, balconies, workshops, car ports and even lakes!

Will cloudy days affect my solar system production ?

Yes it will, though not significantly. The numbers we provide are taken from the NASA satellite over years of data analytics, to give you the most accurate projection for the years to come.

How does the roof PLTS work or Does this replace the electric plant ?

The system works in parallel to the power plant. Instead of replacing the PLN, it only reduces consumption during the production by synchronizing the production of the roof PLTS with the nines.

What percentage of electricity do I get from a roof PLTS ?

Depending on your load profile, available roof area, and your location (related to sunburn levels), roof PLTS can produce about 25-30% of your current electricity consumption.

How long do solar panels/inverter/systems last ?

Solar panels have 25-year performance warranty and the first panel in the 1970s is still running. Inverter makes eight to ten years.

How many square feet does it take for a solar panel ?

Solar panels generally have an area of 6.5 square feet (2 m by 1 m) for a capacity of 450 wp. But given the need for treatment, a 1 KWP (1 KWP) roof PLTS would require an estimated 10 to 10 square feet (10 sq m) of roof space.

How much does the solar panel weigh ? Can my roof support it ?

Solar panels weigh about 15 kg per square foot (including structure). Solar panels are placed on top of the gording, so support power comes from the structure rather than the roof. If someone could rise to your roof, your roof would certainly support the solar panel.